I'm Anurag.

A webdeveloper & Designer


My name is Anurag kanojiya and I'm a web-developer & designer. I'm a collage student and still acquiring knowledge.

My Skills.

designer & developer

I started learning to code when I was 17 year old because I wanted to make my own AI, applications and many other things, now I have gained a wealth of experience designing and developing web pages .

chilly is on fire

I love spicy, so I put some spiciness in my content too 🔥 . I'm here to make best of best web page for you. so no need to worry about your web site any more.

Get In Touch

If you want your personal or official Website.

we can talk more about foods because I love food 🍕🍕.

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© 2021 Anurag kanojiya .